Learning English Online

My First Pet

My name is Sarah. 
I am 14 years old. 
I have a pet cat. 
My cats name is Milo. 
My cat is black and white. 
Milos paws are white. 
Milos body is black. 
She is very cute. 
Milos fur is very soft. 
Milo was a very small kitten. 
Milo is a very big cat. 
Milo cannot have kittens. 
She is fixed. 
Milo likes to eat. 
Milo likes to play outside 
Milo likes to hunt for birds. 
Milo likes to hunt for mice. 
She likes her ears scratched. 
Milo likes to sit in my lap. 
Milo likes to sleep on my bed. 
Milo is a good pet. 

Listen (01 - 36)Listen (37 - 75)Listen (76 - 114)

Basic Grammar (P1)Basic Grammar (P2)

Reading (01-16)Reading (17 - 33)Reading (34 - 50)